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Sewa Bekas Hantaran

1 Bekas = RM15, 1 Set (6 Bekas ) = RM80

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Jun 29, 2010

~Award:>cute blogger..ahakss..~

confius dh o tuan pnye blog yg kiut??sy rse tuan pnye blog kowt..ahaksss..

1. apa nama blog dan kenapa letak nama tu?
Hurrmmm..$%mY sWeET liFe!!!....bermksud...idup sy yg sgt manis..2 jer la..hee..reason:>sy xnk yg pahit2..nk manis jerk..
2. Jelaskan kenapa, bagimana anda boleh dapat idea nak letak URL blog anda?
URL blog saya :
Alamak..perlu ke nk gtaw nih...syiera is my mucuk name...half:>stand 4 sum1's name...

3. bila blog anda mula beroperasi?
Scara formal:>Januari 2009

4. siapa follower pertama anda?
alamak..sape ek..klu x fren..mohd 2 him..ngee

5.ucapan anda kepada si pemberi award
Hai Sher..idop gal!!..ade kaitan ke???hee...btw tq2 tag syiera....cute blogger award plak tuhh..blushing nih..haha..mari sama2 menye'sweet'kan dri...:-)

6. tag 9 orang yang anda rasa patut dapat award istimewa ini

mr curly
Wan Hazel
deqla manjew
cik Camen

ni jer yg ak wase cute..sspe yg wase cute ley jer amek tag ni...tuk u ol sume...peace..

Jun 24, 2010

~20 thinGs @bouT me...~

~ak kena risik??????~

ak bawu jerk pas gelakkan mbe ak yg dh nk kawen..tup2 ak kena risik??patotla beria family ak soh lik weekend nih..korek pnye korek..bwu adik slam la org nk lik dis weekend..dok cni lg bgus...

ak x kenal sgt ponk mamat nih..ader la pnah dtg umah skli 2..melalui cte adik ak,dy dh lme soh mak dy risik sal ak plak,dy x gentleman lgsg..ade ke gune mak??euww...dhla adiah snyap2...hurmm...

Bkn nk jual mahal,but...dis not da rite tym lar..n ak x trpk lg sal ni...i hope my family understand me n x terpngaruh ngan org laen yg sllu nk jge tpi kaen ak....i hate dis feeling very much!!..

Jun 23, 2010

~Jom tgk Knight n Day kengkwan~

mcm terbaek jer cte nih..if i'm not mistaken,cte ni kua 24/,nk g tgkla weekend nih..tgk movie jer kje ak skunk,nk cri peneman ..jom3...


In the action-comedy KNIGHT AND DAY, Tom Cruise is a covert agent and Cameron Diaz is a woman caught between him and those he claims set him up. As their globetrotting adventure erupts into a maze of double-crosses, close escapes, false identities, and head-spinning romantic snafus, they come to realize that all they can count on is each other.......

**,nk taw
endingnyer jomla g tgk ngan ak..ngee..action+comedy+romantic..i like..........

Jun 18, 2010

~epi father's day!!~

Hepi Father's Day!!!

Tomey x??

Luv My Father...

Firz of ol,ak nk ucapkn epi father's day 2 ol fathers around da world..wish awl sket coz mybe ak x on9 weekend nk wak lik again..epi father's day on dis 20 June!!!

*Talking bout dat.....ak nk beli adiah tuk my lovely father:>Harun bin Hanafi a.k.a Pak siyesly xtaw nk beli ape..ak dh pnah kasi wallet,kemeja,perfume..ape lg kngkwan..tlgla ak..huhu....

*My father is da bez father in da world..suma org akn ckp cm2..ayah kte adalah hero d ati kte..stuju x??ngee..xkn terbalas pngorbanan beliau kt kte..

*Selain doa..ak nk bg sumthing tuk ayah ak..but,still wondering nk kasi ape..huhu..

Jun 17, 2010


Bos:>"Syiera on 7...cum here"

Aku:>"Ye bos..",ak mmbalas..(lam ati:>bengangnyer ak...setaw ak..xde la plak lam ic nama ak cm2..nasebla bos..klu x....??)

Bos:>"I ader 1 teka-teki tuk U..berani nk jwab??"

Aku:>"Berani bos" (lam ati:>adey,keje berlambak-lambak..tym ni jgk...)

Bos:>"Ade ahli syurga(kanan) n ahli neraka(kiri)...diberi 1 tugas...tuk membina jambatan ke tengah tuk menghubungkn dorg..lpas bbrapa lama...ahli neraka berjaya siapkn 90% bhgian manakala ahli syurga belum siapkn even suku percent pon..U rse npe??"

Aku:>smbil menoleh merata,cbe dpatkn jwpan dri dinding,meja..n pape jer bahan konkrit n abstrak lam bilik bos ak..dgn hampa..ak menjwab.." kurg pasti la sy mse ley??"


Aku:>erk,bek xyah bg klu cm2.." rse..."

Bos:>"Ok!!time's up...I bg jwapan trusla...U taw x..kt sebelah kiri 2 ade arkitek,engineer,QS..n blabla...side kanan plak..tok2 imam,org2 alim...mne dorg reti nk wat jambatan....hahaha..kn3??"

Aku:>"Erk...oo.."..smbil snyum yg x bpe ikhlas,"klu cm2,sy smbung wat kje ek bos"

Bos:>"Sila2"...smbil gelak..

p/s:>ayat telah diubahsuai utk ksnangan tuan2 membca...mksud asal msih sama..haha

Moral of da story:>
*Ak sndri ponk xtaw sbnrnyer...samada jgn jd engineer @ jadila org beriman...huhu
*Ble pk2 lik..btol jgk ape bos ak ckp..But,ak nk highlight kt cni...BUKAN SEMUA arkitek,engineer n blabla tuhh ahli neraka...
*Aku wase melalui pnglman bos ak sndri as an engineer..dy taw dnia engineer ni mcm mne..pnuh ngan rasuah..klu x,xdela kes stadium runtuhla...jmbtan robohla..explosion la...
*Bos ak sllu pesan..klu nk jd engineer..bkn stkat PNGK kna bersedia mental n fizikal...bidang laen pn ade jgk hal2 mcm bidang ni lg kerap bermain ngan duit..
*Sekali lg ak tegaskn..bkn semua mcm 2..ak salute spring org yg pndai wak dri n x terlibat ngan suma2 nih..ley jd mentor ak...ak nk engineer yg mtlamat asalnyer,applied science to accomodate people...dat's da thing...doakn ak.....

Jun 16, 2010

'nk baby VS xnk baby'

Pelik ak..ade 2 jenis wanita:>

1:>penyayang n ade sifat memelihara n melindungi yang tinggi...
2:>jenis yg x berperasaan...xde naluri sorg ibu...

Wanita India Lahirkan Anak Kembar Pada Usia 70 Tahun

“Saya impi untuk mempunyai anak sepanjang hidup saya. Saya tidak menyesal sakit kerana melahirkan anak. Sekurang-kurangnya cita-cita saya untuk mempunyai anak sudah tercapai,sekurang-kurangnya saya akan mati dengan rasa puas kerana dapat melahirkan anak."


Ibu Bunuh Bayi

"Bayi tersebut ditemui terdampar di Flat Lobak di sini pagi ini, dengan kepala dan hidung yang masih berlumuran darah serta tali pusat yang masih terlekat dan dipercayai meninggal dunia dalam tempoh lebih 24 jam di satu lokasi lain."

sedikit coretan:>

*cmne ley wujud mnusia 2 alam cmni...ak akui...'anything happens 4 reason'...hairan mne pg naluri seorg ibu...n tmbh mnyedihkan hal mcm ni terjdi kat Malaysia..
*ak respect gle nenek tuhh...sbb trgn sgt nk mmpunyai ank,beliau x lepaskn peluang utk mngndung n melahirkn ank walaupn beliau tahu rsiko yg bkal dhdpi..
*walau ape ponk alasannyer,mnusia xde hak tuk mencabut nyawa mnusia laen..lbey2 lg darah dging sndri...

*renung2kn...dan selamat beramal...:-)*

Jun 15, 2010


Alhamdulillah...ble ak diuji,mksdnyer Allah masih sygkn ak..dugaan dtg ak ssah ati klu dugaan kshtan yg Allah bg kt ak..ak xmo nyusahkn mak ayh,family n suma yg sygkn ak..n ak x suke dlyan mcm org skit..even x seteruk pnykit org it effect my life..gastrik ni dh bertaun x dtg lik..n recently,ak rse sgt truk..smpi muntah2 n bdan lmah sgt...ksian mak ayh ak,bnyk lg bnde dorg nk kna pk..dhla ak ni asyk nyusahkn dorg je ngan prgai ak..tmbh2 hal mcm ni...lgla dorg ssah ati..clap2 klu taw,ak kna stay kt umah..rse mcm ngada2 la ak ni..gastrik je kowt..hope so..huhu..

*hurmm..pape ponk,my life still going on..ak dh letey fizikal n mental...ak wase nk cpat2 msuk belajar..tension blaja laen...cmne pn,ak ttap rse 2la..ak kna abeskn ape yg ade dpan mata dl...hurmm..smlm dh isi kursus..klaka plak rse..ade 3 subjek 4 unit..mati ak sem dpan..but,i like it rather than dis life now...huhu

*really miz word can replace how miz i am..i really2 miz him...4 now,he is my spirit n my best fwen yg plg rpat ngan ak..hope rndu terubat soon...:-(

Jun 13, 2010

Makan bola,minum bola.....

ha..sbg tanda sokongan ak tuk 'world futball cup' nih..ak tempah jersey khas..mahai nih..beribu-ribu lemon dolar...haha..y brasil??sbb instinct ak wase dorg menang kowt taun nih....ngee...y no 7??coz my feveret no taw...xtaw sudaa..hee

Musim bola dh kembali.........adey...penat btol ngan kemeriahan sambutan nih..klu Maulidur Rasul..xdela plak sambut meriah cmni..pape ponk..sume org ader minat trsndri...klu dh idup berdunia ngan org laen..kenala hormat ape yg org laen minat..kata 1 leaz ade gak cina,melayu n india n laen2 bngsa brkumpul..nk eratkn silaturrahim la lbey kurg...

Even ak x mnat sgt intern nyer futbol nih...sllu perang tv ngan ayah ak(klu ader angah,2 vs 1)..confirm ak kalah..naseb baek ade tv laen...huhu..but ak bg smgt tuk ssiape yg mnat..chaiyok2..

*2010:>FIFA held @ South Africa....jauh nar nk g...ngee..4 taun lpas Italy menang..mybe kali ni Brasil kot(kate x mnat..haha)
*Pape ponk ak hrap demam bola ni bwak kebaikan tuk suma..xla jd kes2 mcm dl..

:>suami gadoh ngan isteri...
:>peminat fanatik-baling krusi la..pukul mmukul...
:>pergaduhan pemain-tahap serius
:>pukul pengadil..
act,melalui sukan...bnyk bnde dpat dcpai:>

*membantu ekonomi negara penganjur..
*create kedamaian..melalui persaingan scra sihat..
*semangat patriotik yg tggi
*hubngan diplomatik antara ngra..

x mcm hbgan melalui hiburan,entertainment,visitors...n mcm2 lg..nmpk sgt 'plastik'...msg2 pentingkan dri,hbgan ngra2 dunia melalui sukan adlah cre yg terbaek..xder unsur hipokrit,plastik n watsoever...jd sokongla sukan2 bertaraf antarabngsa nih even x mnat..cbe tgk dri sudut laen...selamat jgnla smpai gadoh suami isteri plak..isteri bgla chance kt suami..4 taun sekali kowt..yg suami plak jgnla mlmpau sgt..smpi tdo kt kdai mamak tuhhh sebulan nih..sama2 kongsi,sama2 rasa...sama2 faham...peace...

Jun 11, 2010

perlu ke setia???

Soklan yg sgt universal..ak trpk 1 bnde ble mbe ak tnye...perlu ke setia??? ak,terpulang pde tuan punya badan...klu dy mnghargai dy,kte penting tuk idup dy...da word is compulsory..n mbe ak tnye lg..cne ko nk taw dy setia ke x??hurmm...ak bkn well as ak caye dy...yg ko tnye ak pehal???..1 more N,.cane pulak bg yg curg??hurrmm,klu cm2...dy bukan utk kite....jodoh kite d tmpat laen...n smpi skrg ak trtnye-tnye nape dy tnye ak cm2....hnye dy yg taw..smbil gelak...dy blah cm2 jer..pape jer la..naseb ko best fwen 4eva ak...klu x,ade jer yg kena kng..

secara rumusannya:>ble dh curg,dy sedikit pn x layak tuk kite...i am talking bout myself n sbg peringatan tuk kite suma..besala ak kn minah dh tuka jd dr cinta plak dh..jgn mara...ngeee....pape persoalan sal cinta dialu-alukan..ahaksss....xley blah...

*ok...enough bout dat..bkn 2 yg ak nk cte...ade bnde menarik jd kt ak akhir2 2 u guys,tugggguuuuuu.......ahaksss...

Jun 8, 2010

~ThiS is Me~

*dunno y i'm crazy back again bout dis song...lately,suke ngat dgr...n i'm into dis song..feel like it talking bout secret in love..dat's da thing we should appreciate a relationship..nothing more & nothing less...


I've always been the kind of girl
That hid my face
So afraid to tell the world
What I've got to say
But I have this dream
Bright inside of me
I'm gonna let it show
It's time
To let you know
It's so that you know

This is real this is me
I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be now
Gonna let the light shine on me
Now I found who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I wanna be
This is me

Do you know what it's like
To feel so in the dark
To dream about a life
Where you're the shining star
Even though it seems
Like its too far away
I have to believe in myself
It's the only way

This is real this is me
I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be now
Gonna let the light shine on me
Now I found who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I wanna be
This is ME!

(Joe's verse)

You're the voice I hear inside my head
The reason that I'm singing
I need to find you
I gotta find you
You're the missing piece I need
The song inside of me
I need to find you
I gotta find you
This is real this is me
I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be now
Gonna let the light shine on me
Now I found who I am there's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I wanna be, yeah
This is me
You're the missing piece I need
The song inside of me
This is me, yeah
You're the voice I hear inside my head
The reason that I'm singing
Now I found who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I wanna be
This is me

Jun 4, 2010

~Half-way done~

Hee..mcm lgu 'meet me half-way' plak..btw lma x berposting (lama ker??)..ngeee...alhamdulillah dh abeskn 5 weeks left another 5 weeks 2...doing wat??wateva.......haha...even ak wase more on management,tp ni real life of an engineer...n i have 2 learn ol dis...bnyk nk mls nk taip...laen kali la yer...n 1 more,ak ni jenis yg malas nk berblogwalking...4 me,blog ni tmpt kedua nk luah prasaan..n share pape yg ak nk share...cmni pnyer blogger ponk ade ke...haha..suke x suke,tenyummmmm.........:-)